Thursday, August 21, 2014

A veces, las cosas hay que vivirlas. O permanecer callado.

"I don't expect you to understand …
The courage it takes to recognise yourself as a raped woman.
The grit it takes to report a rape to the Police.
The strength it takes to understand you are not the one to blame. That your body is part of yourself, and not something someone can use as he pleases.
The time, the strength and the courage that you have to find beneath your skin to sleep at night, to live your life, to laugh at jokes, to finally master your body again. To feel.
The sisterhood it creates among two in every three women."

(Para esa chica de Málaga a la que no conozco, que dijo no. Porque todas tenemos derecho a desdecirnos. Y a parar.)

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